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Compendium of history

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:03 pm
by lakra
This is the first version of my try to introduce a compendium of history of the world of Andor's Trail, hoping this could offer ideas for quest writers.


A big Thank you to Lunaticbpsf for his corrections on my poor english. Cheers :-)

Age of a Rising Kingdom

The Forgotten Kingdom was founded with the unification of the countries of Feygard, Stoutford and Nor City under the banner of King Leopold.
The young Kingdom had to fight its first wars in the West against the City of Blackwater Mountain. They were ruled by powerful mages, having a strong defensive position deep in the surrounding mountains. They feared the growing influence of the newly founded Kingdom and summoned a strong monstrous army which would be known as the Gornauds. Big and terrifying creatures they were, with the only aim to torment humanity. Leopold stood superior in a bloody war and in the end a peace treaty was signed, which guaranteed the independance of Blackwater Mountain. In exchange, Leopold was allowed to found the mining colony of Prim at the bottom of the mountain giving him access to the rich resources of ore. The former enemies even agreed to a trade arrangement where both sides would get their benefits. On one hand, the Kingdom could offer supplies like food and products of their craftmanship, on the other the mages offered wisdom of the old gods and knowledge of the creation of potions, powerful protection spells and the enchantment of weapons and armors. They even installed a university for talented young men to work on their magical gifts.
But the Gornauds weren't fully extinguished and felt betrayed by their former masters of Blackwater Mountain. A strong desire of venegance pushed them to rebuild their forces to take what they saw to be rightfully theirs somedays.

In the East, religious fanatics attacked the lands around Nor City. The twisted Gargoyle Cult aimed to install a community worshipping their unholy relationship with the Gargoyles. The zealots were thrown out in a brutal war, even if rumours said that remains of the cult still lingered hidden in caves continuing their rituals, outlasting the centuries.

A new trade agreement with Remgard offered access to the superb craftmanship the city could offer. Taverns were built so that traders and traveling crafters could rest during their trips between the prospering cities. The most famous ones were the Tavern at the Crossroads near the farming village of Loneford and the Foaming Flask Tavern. Around the Foaming Flask, traders and crafters began to settle, eventually founding the city of Vilegard.
In the center of the country, a compound of traders, woodcutters and settlers founded the city of Fallhaven.
Age of Wealth

King Oromir climbed the throne as the direct heir of King Leopold.
The city of Fallhaven became a prospering centre of trading because of its excellent location as a knot between the cities of Blackwater Mountain, Prim, Charwood, Nor City and Feygard. Most of the traffic sooner or later passed Fallhaven so the city became one of the richest in no time. Big storehouses were built to offer safe space for the shipments. When wealth comes to the people it usually brings dark entities with it. And so it was in Fallhaven. The Thieve's Guild built their guild hall in a secret place in Fallhaven to get their piece of the wealthy traders.
The village of Crossglen was founded. Farmers and ranchers settled there and built the base for the famous Fallhaven steak industry and leather clothings.
Stoutford declared its indepency from the Kingdom. That declaration was followed by a short and brutal war which Stoutford could win. King Oromir built the Flagstone Stronghold to protect the borders and trade routes against Stoutford. The smiths of Remgard crafted a powerful sword, which was enchanted by the mages of Blackwater Mountain and would be known as Flagstone's Pride, an insignium of the commanding officers of the fortress.
In Nor City, the cult of the shadow was achknowledged as a religion and allowed to perform its rituals in public. The building of big, glory temple complexes with a strong cathedral in their center was started.
In Fallhaven, a simple smith discovered the ore of heartsteel and found a way to create weapons and equipment from the unlikely ressource. The export of those new, excellent weapons made Fallhaven famous even behind the borders of the Kingdom.

The Age of Wealth wasn't shaped by only good things. Dark clouds came from the Southern Lands, an old tribe rose and began his destructive journey to the north. The Hirathil crossed the southern borders driven by a war going on in their homelands and not even the bravest of the Feygard Royal Guard could withstand their brutal attacks. They wandered the country as a nemesis without showing specific goals. During daytime, they hid in the woods being able to build camps that no human eye could see. With the last light fading, they attacked only during night time. Very few witnessed their attacks and stayed alive to report who they might be. They did not even demand anything. Their leader was seen to swing the powerful sword Xul'Vir, a sword that seemed to eat, to absorb the souls of men it killed. The only thing they took with them were the lifes of the unlucky men crossing their paths. The last reported attack happened near the hidden path, which led to the god forsaken woods of the Green Maze. Legends were telling that the Hirathil were not the blood thirsty demonic army from the start. An old evil called the Hira'zinn awoke deep under their former tribesland twisting their minds and driving them to move to the north. Other Legends told, that the Hira'zinn even accompanied them, led them, offering them the gift of Xul'vir and finally took them with him to his new resting hide out, where the demon would wait for the next time to awake again and torment humanity and every kind of living beings. To punish creation itself for its sins. The Hira'zinn would never be destroyed, the Hira'zinn would manifest again, when times of war and blood call for his name and Xul'vir would cut through the fresh flesh of the innocent again.

Age of Downfall

King Luthor climbed the Throne as the direct heir of King Oromir.
The dragon of Thukuzun attacked the city of Charwood, devastating the country around it and burning whole regions to ashes. In a gloryful battle on the mountains of Charwood, the dragon could be defeated by the united powers of the Feygard Royal Guard, the mages of Blackwater Mountain and priests of the shadow cult from Nor City. His remains and his immortal spirit were banned under the deepest mining tunnels, in a cave interveined from rivers of lava. The entrance was sealed with old, magical runes to prevent the evil spirit of breaking its prison and awake again. The heart of the creature was pierced by the artifact dagger Blade of the Defiler so it would never pulsate again.
The Cult of the Shadow increased its influence in most parts of the country and supressed the rituals worshipping the old gods. Cathedrals were build, like the one in Fallhaven. Ontop of the cities success, King Luthor chose the new chapel as his tomb, as he would leave this world someday.
The border to Stoutford was opened for traders again and the Forgotten Kingdom even arranged a trading agreement to exchange the goods between the two lands.
As Luthor felt the need to concentrate on the more global problems of the country, Lord Geomyr was introduced as the administrator of Feygard and the leader of the Feygard Secret Service which made him to one of the most powerful man in the country, right behind the King. He fulfilled his duty with great obsession and effort.
One year, before King Luthor would took his last breath, the Eastern Coalition was founded consisting of the cities of Remgard, Brimhaven and Brightport. They signed a contract of mutual protection efforts and created a duty free zone for traders of the participating cities.
When King Luthor died, he left the Kingdom with no heir to the throne. What followed, would write history as the "Noble Wars", one of the darkest periods this country has witnessed.

The Noble Wars

The Noble Wars started with the Land Lords arguing about the new, legimitate King. The first stone was thrown by Charwood. Lord Erwyn tried to use the time when all the other Lords were busy with talking to attack the cities of Vilegard and Fallhaven. He wanted to occupy those two cities to control the trade routes of the Forgotten Kingdom, to gain the biggest influence in the country and to sepperate Feygard from Nor City. The cities were sacked and big parts were even destroyed. Crossglen was burned to ashes. The inhabitants fled to the nearby caves. The biggest camp of the refugees was installed in the cave, what would be known as the snake cave.
Erwyn's success was a short one, as he was attacked by Nor City. Nor City freed Vilegard and was able to put Charwood back to defense but in the end, they were unable to conquer the strong defensive position in the mountains.
In the meantime, Loneford was attacked by the Eastern Coalition. Most of the fields were burned during the attack which led the people from Loneford and Feygard into starvation. With Lord Geomyr striking back, the Eastern Coalition went to retreed.
In the Western Lands, Prim became defenseless, as the caravans with support goods didn't come anymore. Now, standing on their own in a weakend position, Blackwater Mountain reached its hands on the mining colony. The Mine Wars were started.
Stoutford declared itself as a neutral entity protecting its borders against everyone, who came too close.
Lord Geomyr had his biggest diplomatic success as he could win Nor City as an ally, which offered him enough power to pacify the center of the country.
The Mine Wars were paused, as the old evil decided to attack, the Gornauds were back, sending Prim into retreat. But Prim wasn't the only faction finding itself attacked by monstrous forces. As the Gornauds came to Prim, an army of Wyrms and Aulaeths attacked Blackwater Mountains. Now both sides were on defense, even if their war was still ongoing with skirmishes and sabotage missions against each other.
Fallhaven and Vilegard joined the coalition of Feygard and Nor City aiming to get access to support, troops and protection.
The peace treaty of Charwood was signed. Charwood surrendered and begged for the end of the war fearing the superior power of the new found coalition and running out of ressources. Lord Geomyr proved his diplomatic skills again, accepting surrender and waisting no more lifes for venegance, even if the other Lords demanded him to punish Charwood for its attack.
With the coalition now being able to concentrate its power against the Eastern Coalition Remgard was the first city to surrender. The Eastern Coalition was disbanded, Brightport and Brimhaven closed their borders and declared their neutral status against Feygard and his allies.
Lord Geomyr proclaimed himself as the new "Administrator of the Old Kingdom" as long as there wasn't a legimitate aspirant for the throne. He was rejected by the cities of Brimhaven, Brightport, Remgard and Stoutford. The contact to Prim couldn't be restored and the colony was declared as "lost".

Dark Age

Lord Geomyr urged to restore the cities of Crossglen, Fallhaven, Vilegard and Charwood to rebuilt the Kingdom. He became powerhungry and had a strong desire to become the next King, elected by the remaining Land Lords.
He reinstalled a tax system and garrisons to most of the cities. To secure his power, he promoted close relatives and friends as officers in the Feygard Royal Guard. The army felt to a corrupt shadow of its shiny and glory past.
The cult of the shadow increased its influence. The simple villagers felt the need for salvation after the harsh periode of the Noble Wars and accepted the shadow as their guide into better times.
Another edict he issued was to transform the Flagstone Fortress into Flagstone Prison to arrest runaways and defiant workers as well as people who questioned his authority.
Lord Geomyr became jealous about the power of the religion and tensions between Nor City and Feygard started to rise.
He then proclaimed the prohibitions against the cult. They were no longer allowed to perform their rituals and he tried to arrest some of the priests.

Re: Compendium of history

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:03 pm
by lakra
Knights of Elythom

The Knights of Elythom are settled in Brimhaven.
The group was founded during the Age of Wealth, when the Hirathil crossed the southern border and started their unholy journey to the Green Maze, devastating the country. The people from Brimhaven were concerned, if this threat could attack their city, even if the doomed army was not seen near them. The former guard captain, Eomyr, was able to rally a group of soldiers and knights under the new banner of Elythom with the aim to protect his home. They started to send out scouts to find the Hirathil army and were able to trace them to the deep woods of the Green Maze but couldn't find them in the darkness of the trees. So they saw it as their duty to guard the only known entrance to the godforsaken forest and prepared themselves for the return of their enemies.

During the Age of Downfall the Knights of Elythom had their biggest success, when they were called to arms by King Luthor against Thukuzun. Supporting the Royal Army and the Mages of Blackwater Mountain with their swords and shields they became famous across the country. The success turned Eomyrs head, who was only a shadow of himself anymore. He demanded a participation in the administration of the Kingdom for his group and proclaimed himself as the new Landlord of Brimhaven. The knights even threw the Royal Army out of Brimhaven and started to enforce their own law. With Eomyrs death, the group was divided in different candidates for his successor. The former brothers decimated themselves in bloody skirmishes in the streets of Brimhaven. Then, King Luthor restored order, banning the remains from the Kingdom.

With the foundation of the Eastern Coalition the Knights of Elythom were rebuild by Arganok with a strong codex of brotherhood. Every member of the group had to swear an oath to be loyal to the group, not to the city of Brimhaven, not to the Kingdom. Arganok rewrote the history of the Knights, twisting the fact that they were selfish and powerhungry into the fact, that they were betrayed by Luthor, who banned them.
During the noble wars, the Knights of Elythom fought against the troops of Feygard, more as mercenaries then regular troops. They had their successes in the war but they also used those battles to get connections to local power holders offering their services for better times.

With the breakup of the Eastern Coalition the Knights turned their interests to more lucrative jobs. They offered their services for everybody who could afford them. Some people are saying that the knights turned to nothing more then rentable roques and bounty hunters. Others are very pleased by their skills and their secrecy and some people still see the honorable protectors of Brimhaven behind their shiny armors, even if they seem to be a bit misguided.

Re: Compendium of history

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:03 pm
by lakra
Placeholder #2

Re: Compendium of history

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:04 pm
by lakra
Placeholder #3

Re: Compendium of history

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:05 pm
by lakra
Placeholder #4

Re: Compendium of history

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:13 pm
by lakra
Please feel free to comment the story on the points of:

- this is crap and not necessary
- there are logical faults which make no sense to the existing story
- the style of writing should be something else
- there is a lack of description in specific parts of the story

The things I planned to add:

- Stoutford as free entity which will possibly open its borders for specific reasons
- role of the Thieve's Guild and how they could manipulate the ongoing conflict between Feygard and Nor City, even if Umar tells the player, that the guild has no interest in this scenario
- Mine Wars between Blackwater Mountain and Prim, the involvement of the Gornauds and the Wyrms and how the player could possibly go on with chosing sides to one of them and investigate on the treats

Re: Compendium of history

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:48 pm
by ace
first of all,this is awesome. you just need to put more background details such as when king luthar destroyed xul'viir, the sakuls, lowyna's place etc. and I think that it was already told that the flagstone prison was started by lord gyomir to kept the runaway minors as prisnors, but I maybe wrong since I didn't talked to the flagstone gaurd for a long time:).

Re: Compendium of history

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:57 pm
by Lunaticbpsf
(I'm adding my comment here to get back to the subject! Definitely an area of interest!)

Re: Compendium of history

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:57 am
by lakra
ace wrote:first of all,this is awesome. you just need to put more background details such as when king luthar destroyed xul'viir, the sakuls, lowyna's place etc. and I think that it was already told that the flagstone prison was started by lord gyomir to kept the runaway minors as prisnors, but I maybe wrong since I didn't talked to the flagstone gaurd for a long time:).
I indeed forgot to mention Flagstone as prison and edited this ;-)

Re: Compendium of history

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:06 pm
by lakra
Edited the chapter about the "Age of Wealth" -included the appearance of the Hirathil and combined that with the appearance of the Hira'zinn and Xul'vir (source for that is the conversation with lodar, were he tells abit of a story about the Hira'zinn's appearance in old legends in a former war)