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earthquake vibrations

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 7:30 am
by ace
hi guys! today I was writing some stuff, sitting on a swing couch and I had a water bottle that was on a table nearby and I saw water inside bottle was moving and then I felt that my couch was vibrating and this happened for 10-15 seconds. the feeling was terrifying, I rushed to outdoor and everyone was like nothing happened and then I came back to the couch and as I sat I felt it again this time more stronger. the scary feelings and things and again I rushed outside and after 15 minutes everything was normal. gladly no one was hurt and nothing broke:). and after an hour the news was on tv and to my surprise the news was that there was a crack in ground not far from my house.

I felt that the real adventure lies in "living in uncertainity".

do someone have the similar experiance?

edit: many peoples were hurt. a pic of the crack in ground this earthquake caused ... _exlst.jpg.

Re: earthquake vibrations

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:08 pm
by rijackson741
I lived in southern California for a year, and felt more than one quake. They were all small though, and caused no significant damage or injury. On one occasion I was watching the news out of LA, and suddenly all the lights in the studio started swaying and stuff was moving around on the news casters desks. I said to myself "I'm about 60 miles from there, so in a few seconds, it's going to be here". Sure enough, a few seconds later the building started to shake :D

Glad you're OK.

Re: earthquake vibrations

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 2:36 pm
by ace
actually it was first time for me to feel ground shaking under my feets. totally terrible, scary and awesome feeling at the same time.

the bad news is the centre of this quake was our neighoubring country and some peoples died there and the damage was greater there, network services stopped. the good thing is my country's Prime Minister took a quick action and is helping the affected country.

thanks rijackson for sharing your experiance.