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Strength Query

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 11:15 pm
by Autolycus
Hey, its been a while, put down the game for about a year, just now getting back into it...

I've got a request for the strength actor condition. Could it be made into a cumulative effect, just like bleeding is? At the moment, the two weapons in the game that give the strength actor condition either give 1 additional AD or two additional AD, and while yes, it does add to attack, it just doesn't seem like a marginal difference. If it was cumulative, and say I triggered it using the GCoR (3 attacks per round), using the following scenario:

1st round: Trigger twice. Total bonus: 2 AD
2nd round: Trigger once. Total bonus: 3 AD
3rd round: Trigger all three hits (very unlikely, I know). Total bonus: 6 AD
4th round: Trigger once. Total bonus: 5 AD (1st round ran out)
5th round: No trigger. Total bonus: 4 AD (2nd round ran out)
6th round: Trigger once. Total bonus: 2 AD (3rd round ran out)

This scenario is completely theoretical, but it demonstrates that the strength actor condition could give a better buff while still not being over powered. I understand that it you run between mobs very quickly you could (potentially) start getting bonuses of 10 and 20 AD, but even then the two strength items have AP costs of 5 and 7 (gotta check on the 7, and these values are without the JoF and Marrowtaint), so you will eventually run out of a turn. Let me know what you think.

Re: Strength Query

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 11:31 am
by rijackson741
I agree. The way it's implemented now, the benefit of strength is so small it's not worth considering. As for getting 10 AD with your proposal, that's unlikely, and 20 AD is very unlikely. To some extent that could also be controlled by increasing the multiplier and decreasing the number of rounds.

Re: Strength Query

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 12:42 pm
by Zukero
I wouldn't risk myself at giving numbers, as I ruled myself out of anything regarding balancedness (or is it balance ?), but that could indeed be a great idea to give some incentive into using the two-handed weapons.
I think that's something to dive deeper into, and could be the basis of the refoundation of (almost) all two-handed weaponry.

Re: Strength Query

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 10:54 pm
by Autolycus
rijackson741 wrote:I agree. The way it's implemented now, the benefit of strength is so small it's not worth considering. As for getting 10 AD with your proposal, that's unlikely, and 20 AD is very unlikely. To some extent that could also be controlled by increasing the multiplier and decreasing the number of rounds.
If the multipliers stayed the way that they are now, and the rounds active also stay the same, and the only thing that changes is that the bonuses stack, then you have two current in game weapons that work like this:

Gleaming Claymore of Ruin
15% chance for Strength ×1 on each hit, lasts 2 rounds
5 AP regularly, 4 AP if using Marrowtaint or the JoF
With Combat Speed 2, max of 3 hits per round
So without running between monsters, the most strength that you could have would be 6.

Wraith's Massive (or is it giant?) Claymore (0.1% drop chance)
55% chance of Strength ×2 on each kill, lasts 5 rounds
6 (is it 7? I can never remember that one) AP regularly, 5 (or 6) with Marrowtaint or the JoF
With Combat Speed 2, max of 2 hits per round.
So if you happen to go ham and kill one monster each hit, the most strength that you could have is 20.

These values are if you get strength each time you hit or kill a monster, depending on the weapon. Again, as rijackson stated, this is very unlikely.

Re: Strength Query

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 3:09 am
by decr
I was actually wondering about this the other day as well after I found minor potions of strength in the inventory. They seem totally useless at +1 AD, especially now at level 50. If I had found some at the beginning of the game they might have helped with tougher enemies, but certainly not now.