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Lost in Green maze

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:24 pm
by Rassos2
Hi, im new.
Please excuse my real bad english, i am from gemany.
Here is my problem: I am lvl 24 and i was wonder how far i can get into the green maze. I solved the quest where i had to kill tiqui and after this i used the bed in the green maze. I did not notice that i dont have enough potions to get out of the green maze and saved the game. Now im stuck and every time i try to get out the lizzards kill me.
Has any one an idea how i can get Out of the maze, with out levling until lvl 50?

Thanks for every answer!
Greets from gemany :)

Re: Lost in Green maze

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:48 pm
by Zukero
Guten Tag, and welcome to the forums.

Seems like you're not very deep in the maze. You could try to save-load your way out. Return to the entrance, save after each fight. Reload when you loose.

I had to walk down Blackwater Mountain that way once. Then you'll think about keeping multiple saves before venturing too far ;)

Re: Lost in Green maze

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:19 pm
by Rassos2
Great idea! Thanks for that :)
My second save point is in the fallhaven catacombs with lvl 13...
The Last 2 hours i try to get some lvl ups now im lvl 27 and i hope that the regeneration skill help me to get out.

By the way: this is an absolutly amazing forum. the last days i spend some hours in here.

Re: Lost in Green maze

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:52 pm
by Rassos2
1000 times thanks Zukero! I am out of the maze and save in loneford!

Re: Lost in Green maze

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:19 am
by Usirim
Hallöle Rassos2,

after you had survived the "easy" part of the green maze ;) , what do you want to do next?
And, what's your equipment at the moment?

Re: Lost in Green maze

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:58 am
by Rassos2
Guten Tag Usirim :)
After i had some problems in the green maze, i had decidet to make the long way up to blackwater mountain.
I was surprised that the monsters there are (sorry for being so rude) being pussys :D

Re: Lost in Green maze

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:14 pm
by Rassos2
My stats:

HP: 71
AC: 194%
AD: 22-34
Max AP: 10
Ap for attack: 5
CHS: 22
CM: 2.0
ECC: 15%
BC: 61%
DR: 4

Helmet: heavy steel skullcap
Bodyarmor: sturdy leather cuirass
Neckleace: necklace of protector
Sword: flagstone's proud
Shield: wodden defender
Ring: 1. Villian's Ring
2. Polished ring of treatchery
Gloves: heavy platet gloves
Boots: boots of defender

I play the german version and some of the words have i translatet with google translator :)

Re: Lost in Green maze

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:28 pm
by Usirim
Hallo Rassos2,

the monsters up there may be pussys, but if you want to make some money for better equipment, it's fine there. At the moment I am there too to gain (another) Elytharanischer Erlöser. :)
You have AP 5 for attacks, the sturdy leather cuirass gives you a +1 penalty. You can - if you like to do - go for the Lightweight splint mail or the Villain's leather armour in combination with the Jewel of Fallhaven. Then you have 3 instead of 2 attacks per round. With combat speed 2 up to 4 attacks.
But you need appr. 5000 to 8000 gold to buy these equipment, so staying in the BWM area for a while is no bad choice.
Then you may give the green mace a new try (you're a hard guy I guess, going into the maze on lvl 25).
Uh, I remember the first time when I was exploring the iqcan cave... ;)

Re: Lost in Green maze

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 2:21 pm
by Rassos2
Sounds good, but if I Do so i will lose 3DR..
I play a bit more defensive and its easier to get more BC than DR.
Im still looking for a better shield and boots. Any idea where i can get those? I have 30000 gold ans i dont know whats to Do with it.

Before i go again into the green maze i want to head for charwood but those centipides are really tough enemys. :?

Re: Lost in Green maze

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 4:14 pm
by rijackson741
You should at least get both levels of Combat Speed and the Jewel of Fallhaven. That will give you 12AP and an attack cost of 4AP, for 3 attacks per round (a 50% increase in damage over what you have now).
For better boots and shield head to Remgard. It's probably easier than Charwood too. On the way there's a cave where you can also get a better weapon than the one you have now.