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World of AT

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:52 pm
by Voom
Much like Lord of the Ring's "Middle Earth" and Avatar's "Pandora," the world of AT could, and maybe should, have a geographical name associated with its storyline. The world of AT is a mystical, mysterious, historically rendering, civilly structured, yet ideologically wild at heart, land. This land beats to the rythym of intrigue, inundating forces of many kinds, demented and starving creatures, twisted localities with overrun settlements boasting of ill intent, and blisteringly harsh realities emanating corruption. Let's not forget the seemingly good that persists as well, including, of course, the heart of a boy (or girl?) searching for answers in a confusing and never-ending setting of courage and despair, exhaustively looking for the slightest of bread crumbs that may lead to a seemingly lost, but most likely devious, brother called Andor. Sure, there are many people that feel the need to help along this adventurous path, but much more feel an incredible sting induced by the bitter rivalries at play that forever seek dominance in the way of fear, thereforth, undermining the humanity, civility, and distinct justice crucially needed in this land. Among the most dominant players are the Glorious Feygard (Lord Geomyr and his apparently benevolent forces), the lowly, ill-succumbed Nor City procuring a lively and organized thieves guild currently embedded in the geo-centric Fallhaven, and the most mysterious of them all, The Shadow and its devilish pawns and priestly ordinances. Andor's kin interacts with this land and all that it holds for the sole purpose of finding Andor himself. Well, good luck little one... you'll need it tremendously.

So what do we name this land, which contains all of what we know (and think we know) about the "world of AT"?

Re: World of AT

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:57 am
by Voom
Polling is up! Please, contribute with your best land names with creativity! :mrgreen:

Re: World of AT

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:50 am
by twirlimp
I liked the sound of Geta Valley the most. Irondell like a small area and not a "world".

Of course we can substitute Geta for something else and it'd still be the best choice imo.

Re: World of AT

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:44 am
by Voom
twirlimp wrote:I liked the sound of Geta Valley the most. Irondell like a small area and not a "world".

Of course we can substitute Geta for something else and it'd still be the best choice imo.
Awesome, thanks for the feedback! Geta can surely be changed.

Re: World of AT

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:09 pm
by Zukero
I thought about that a while back, and was looking for variations around Eklegomai, as it seems to be an ancient greek word meaning choice. Some more research might yield more interesting (phonetically) translations of "Choice" in dead languages.

Re: World of AT

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:22 pm
by ace
I think we already have a thread for this topic.

edit: thanx rijackson741 for pointing out the typo in the url.

Re: World of AT

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:18 pm
by rijackson741
According to the almost official history of the World:, in ancient history the world was ruled by the cult of Kazaul. So it would be reasonable that the world of the Kazaul has a name something like "Kazaul". Some suggestions along those lines:

Re: World of AT

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:08 am
by Voom
Zukero wrote:I thought about that a while back, and was looking for variations around Eklegomai, as it seems to be an ancient greek word meaning choice. Some more research might yield more interesting (phonetically) translations of "Choice" in dead languages.
"Choice" in the dead language of Latin is "arbitrium." In biblical Hebrew, it's "bachar." Both sound interesting. I don't know how to search for other dead languages.

Re: World of AT

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:11 am
by Voom
ace wrote:I think we already have a thread for this topic.[url]htttp://[/url]
It seems like the link isn't working. Maybe it was moved?

I found a thread called World Name, but it didn't have too many very good names..mostly just laughs with Pyrizzle. However, there were a few that caught my eye:
Umbra = Shadow
Lux = Light

Both are Latin words and maybe could be combined...

This thread's poll figured that a majority would like a name to the "world" and I hope this is still true. However, the "World of AT" is much smaller than the "world" described previously. I believe a name would add depth to the game, I hope you think so too.

Re: World of AT

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:18 am
by Voom
rijackson741 wrote:According to the almost official history of the World:, in ancient history the world was ruled by the cult of Kazaul. So it would be reasonable that the world of the Kazaul has a name something like "Kazaul". Some suggestions along those lines:
I feel like it has to be long like:
Kazakhstan (lol)
Kazaral... Kazaral Valley