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Epic Dungeons

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:35 am
by Danno
Personally i,d love too see these implemented.

These epic dungeons could be scattered around the world map, the difficulty could depend on which part of the world the dungeon is situated.

Maybe 50 floors / maps deep with a boss at the end

These dungeons also drop dungeon specific loot that you cant purchase from vendors.

Maybe even time based or a option to upload times to a ranking system?

Maybe by completing floor 50 and killing that dungeon boss you access a secret map, vendor etc.

I really think the game needs something like this to keep us players busy thus giving the devs more time develope more of the game.


Re: Epic Dungeons

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:42 am
by Kyubii
Umm... So what's an epic dungeon exactly?

I personally consider the idea of "special(or epic if you really want) dungeons" a great idea if it was some kind of dungeon with randomly generated maps. 10 floors easiest, 50 floors hardest. No boss at the end.

The idea is that it becomes more like an optional dungeon for hardcore players. ;)

There should be a 80% chance to find a map with random hack'n'slash action, 10% treasure room and 10% special event rooms. (Merchant, stronger monster with uncommon/rare loot...)

[*]Random hack'n'slash action map: obviously random monsters... Depending on how the dungeon works, maybe even let weather affect battle conditions?
[*]Treasure room: 1 treasure chest, containing either money, loot or recipes if crafting items out of loot would ever become available.
[*]special event: merchant buying your loot for different prices every time, special boss or just mutant versions of a monster... Maybe even an item collecter who gives you items in exchange for an item he's looking for?

I also like danny's idea of uploading high scores but if it's random each time you visit the dungeon, maybe not...

Re: Epic Dungeons

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:51 pm
by lord midnight
ok, here is a placeholder to discuss some "Themed Dungeons", I was wanting to do something similar before.
In order from left side first, bottom to top:
left side:

right side:

this gives a couple of emergent systems of Life/Death, Barren/Fertile, or Fire and Water.

This could easily be altered to work as chaos and order, with lava and vines being chaos and crystaline stuff being order.

here is a simple pic, a central meeting room like this would be more ornate, and honestly, I think the dungeons should be unconnected. Maybe a room like this has a boss chamber down each stairs, but the actual dungeons are elsewhere?

Re: Epic Dungeons

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:27 pm
by Jfaulk
lord midnight wrote:ok, here is a placeholder to discuss some "Themed Dungeons", I was wanting to do something similar before.
In order from left side first, bottom to top:
left side:

right side:

this gives a couple of emergent systems of Life/Death, Barren/Fertile, or Fire and Water.

This could easily be altered to work as chaos and order, with lava and vines being chaos and crystaline stuff being order.

here is a simple pic, a central meeting room like this would be more ornate, and honestly, I think the dungeons should be unconnected. Maybe a room like this has a boss chamber down each stairs, but the actual dungeons are elsewhere?
^^^^^^ something like that would be amazing to keep us busy. i agree 100%. i would love this idea.

Re: Epic Dungeons

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:12 am
by lord midnight
um ok, so should I start focusing on mapping out some elemental dungeons instead of code?
Im a game designer, I can code ok, but oscar is much more organized than me.
I just about have the hang of Tiled, Im going to do a simple map shortly that has all the walkables and map events. I like mapping and design a lot..

Re: Epic Dungeons

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:54 pm
by Jfaulk
lord midnight wrote:um ok, so should I start focusing on mapping out some elemental dungeons instead of code?
Im a game designer, I can code ok, but oscar is much more organized than me.
I just about have the hang of Tiled, Im going to do a simple map shortly that has all the walkables and map events. I like mapping and design a lot..
Oskar should wait to give approval, if he is on board with this idea, but it seems like a VERY popular idea.

I'm also sure Oskar could implant this idea very quickly. This is the BEST idea I have heard of for this game BTW.

Most of us finished all the quests the day .8 came out, and we are getting bored/restless waiting for a finished game.(BUT dont worry OSKAR that is not a knock on you, we all appreciate you making this game, and taking time out of your life to do this. )

But if this Epic Dungeon idea is passed by this will keep us all busy for months IMO.

And if it is made it should be outrageously ridiculously hard to complete. Every dungeon I have come across I was able to finish it with ease. The Monsters in this dungeon should be nearly as strong as our own characters, which would require us to suit up with 40+ potions/meats just to scratch the surface of the dungeon. We need a major challenge!

Re: Epic Dungeons

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:12 pm
by lord midnight
ok, as a dungeon master with over 25 years of adventurer elimination experience, I will do my best to make you all suffer in pain and bewilderment.

Re: Epic Dungeons

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:34 pm
by Jfaulk
lord midnight wrote:ok, as a dungeon master with over 25 years of adventurer elimination experience, I will do my best to make you all suffer in pain and bewilderment.
do it! I know you can make maps, but are you able, or figured out how to make monsters spawn?

Re: Epic Dungeons

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:42 pm
by lord midnight
its in the tutorial, as for making maps, Im making mind boggling labyrinths with hidden doors, levers and traps for you.

Re: Epic Dungeons

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:58 am
by oskarwiksten
Regarding the suggestion of "epic" dungeons: as I understand it, the suggestion is to make some new maps that are substantially harder than the existing maps, while waiting for the "regular" maps to be finished? The thing I don't understand about this suggestion is how this would be different than spending that time on making the real maps finished faster instead? I am not too sure that adding some super-hard maps would be appreciated by all players. But I can see that a small percentage of the über-gamers that have played the game since the first version would appreciate that. Everything we add to the game must fit into the world setting and the overall mood of the game, so adding something that is out of place in relation to the real maps is not something I want to do in this version of Andor's Trail.

Personally, I think a better idea would be to spend the time it would take to make such a map on the regular maps instead. This way, we can make the game progress faster instead of delaying the game even more.

Another thing that would be similar to this suggestion is to implement a dynamic dungeon generator. That way, we can have unlimited amounts of dungeons generated for each player. That would really keep you busy fighting for a while :) If someone wants to have a try at coding this, then please go ahead and submit a patch for it :)

I really don't want to discourage you about this idea, but I must insist that the direction of Andor's Trail stays with the direction we have started. I am glad that there are so many ideas, and some might even be implemented. But I also want to mention that a lot of the ideas that I see are ideas that deviate too much from the world of Andor's Trail that we have started. In my view, the first priority should be to finish the storyline, maps and implementation plan that we have, and then we can think about going in other directions (maybe for maybe Andor's Trail 2 :) ). I also want the game to appeal to new players, and not just the few people that have been playing since december.

Thank you again for your good ideas, I hope that we can concentrate the efforts into making the releases happen faster this way.