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Names and Avatars.
- Growler
- Posts: 216
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Re: Names and Avatars.
Not being creative or well read, I simply chose my given name and a picture from when I was a few dozen moons of age.
Opposition is True Friendship. As your Once & Future Friend, I oppose that notion.
Black is White, White is Black, 1984 is Back.
Black is White, White is Black, 1984 is Back.
- rijackson741
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Re: Names and Avatars.

Level:75, XP:7656192, PV:866, FQ:105
HP:226, AC:255, AD:47-61, AP:3, ECC:23%, CM:3.0, BC:192, DR:3
Gold: 241432 | RoLS:1, RoL:1, GoW:1, VSH:1, RoFLS:1, WoB:1
HH:1, WA:1, D:1, CS:2, Cl:1, IF:4, Ev:3, Re:2, WP:DA:1, WP:1S:1, WP:B:1, AP:L:1, FS:DW:2, S:DW:1
HP:226, AC:255, AD:47-61, AP:3, ECC:23%, CM:3.0, BC:192, DR:3
Gold: 241432 | RoLS:1, RoL:1, GoW:1, VSH:1, RoFLS:1, WoB:1
HH:1, WA:1, D:1, CS:2, Cl:1, IF:4, Ev:3, Re:2, WP:DA:1, WP:1S:1, WP:B:1, AP:L:1, FS:DW:2, S:DW:1
- nyktos
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Re: Names and Avatars.
rijackson741 wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:49 pm I chose my avatar because in real life I'm an insanely powerful, totally evil, wizard, that lives in a big tower on a volcano. AT is a hobby to fill in time when I get tired of trying to dominate the world.
Growler wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2018 1:13 am Not being creative or well read, I simply chose my given name and a picture from when I was a few dozen moons of age.

Great thread!

I am a night-owl and a bit introverted (in person, at least).
There is almost always a touch of darkness in the things I create / surround myself with.
I blame my twisted parents (R.I.P.) and my erratic childhood.

My name / handle reflects this about as much as my email: adarkmorning@____
Latin: Nyct & Greek: Nykt - a combining form meaning “night,”
used in the formation of compound words: e.g. Nyctalgia.
I went with the Greek, as it was easier on the eyes.
I use this handle a lot, on many platforms.
If it's ever taken, i go to Nykto5. (Find me on XBL?

People online keep calling me New York, or Nick... but whatever.

As for my avatar, along with the eyes in my signature...
they belong to Orochimaru (from the Manga / Anime: Naruto).
A protagonist turned antagonist & then back to protagonist.
Gotta love that internal sturggle, revenge& hatred turned in for compassion & forgiveness.
TL;DR - I always wear black!

"Embrace the Shadow"

[Lv: 60] [HP: 175] [AC: 361] [AD: 25-39] [BC: 75]
[Dual Wielding Swords] [Unarmored Fighting]

[Lv: 60] [HP: 175] [AC: 361] [AD: 25-39] [BC: 75]
[Dual Wielding Swords] [Unarmored Fighting]
- Posts: 573
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- Location: lodar's hideout
Re: Names and Avatars.
LMAOrijackson741 wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:49 pm I chose my avatar because in real life I'm an insanely powerful, totally evil, wizard, that lives in a big tower on a volcano. AT is a hobby to fill in time when I get tired of trying to dominate the world.

My nickname is totally random because at the time of joining I wasn't sure if I will be staying on board.. but turns out I am never leaving. And the profile is from my favorite managa Naruto.
Last edited by ace on Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Names and Avatars.
nyktos wrote: Wed Jul 11, 2018 6:21 pm
Latin: Nyct & Greek: Nykt - a combining form meaning “night,”
used in the formation of compound words: e.g. Nyctalgia.
Interesting that you should say that....
My name is the combination of Hebrew and Aramaic... in a way very, very few people have ever considered putting together. I have only met 2 people in my life who figured it out without me telling them. It's more fun to allow people to simply think my real life name is "Beth".... and let them get shocked to find out I'm a guy.
It started 20 years ago when PRODIGY (remember them?) was the hot ticket on the planet into the new verse of the internet. I worked for Best Buy, we had a special going wherein signing up to Prodigy gave you $200 off a computer. I took advantage of it, and at the register the cashier asked "What do you want your email to be?" I hadn't given it a second thought until that moment and in the heat of the moment (with customers standing in line behind me) I blurted out "BethelAbba". No forethought.... just straightforward "Yup, this is going to be me for the rest of my existence". It really was a life defining moment.
The name has stuck with me everywhere I've gone and is present as a footprint of mine all over the internet. At one point I was the highest seller of Christian Music on Ebay (for 8 straight years) under that monikor, raking in $4,000-$6,000 a month. (while working for Best Buy full time) Thousands of folk around the world know me as either "JulieMillerFan" (which was another joke that came to life) or "BethelAbba".
In short Bethel is Hebrew meaning "Beth" House of "El" God and Abba is Aramaic and is a term of sincere and deep affection, meaning "beloved Father"
House of God, My beloved Father.
Alsa - Lvl:60, HP:174 AC:230%, AD:27-34 BC:174%, DR:4 BM used: 12 (Lodars)
Most Kills: Shdw Garg Mstr:3700(+3281 trnrs)
Gold:313,705 | HoF: 1 ChaR: 2
WA: 2, HH: 2, Clv: 2, IF: 3, Re: 3, MF: 2, DP: 2, LAP: 1, HAP: 1
Most Kills: Shdw Garg Mstr:3700(+3281 trnrs)
Gold:313,705 | HoF: 1 ChaR: 2
WA: 2, HH: 2, Clv: 2, IF: 3, Re: 3, MF: 2, DP: 2, LAP: 1, HAP: 1
- Posts: 573
- Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:00 am
- android_version: 9.0 - Pie
- Location: lodar's hideout
Re: Names and Avatars.
Where I live, Abba is quite a common word to refer to father in muslim families.. and Abba jaan for beloved father. Nice nickname.BethelAbba wrote: Sun Aug 12, 2018 5:25 pmnyktos wrote: Wed Jul 11, 2018 6:21 pm
Latin: Nyct & Greek: Nykt - a combining form meaning “night,”
used in the formation of compound words: e.g. Nyctalgia.
Interesting that you should say that....
My name is the combination of Hebrew and Aramaic... in a way very, very few people have ever considered putting together. I have only met 2 people in my life who figured it out without me telling them. It's more fun to allow people to simply think my real life name is "Beth".... and let them get shocked to find out I'm a guy.
It started 20 years ago when PRODIGY (remember them?) was the hot ticket on the planet into the new verse of the internet. I worked for Best Buy, we had a special going wherein signing up to Prodigy gave you $200 off a computer. I took advantage of it, and at the register the cashier asked "What do you want your email to be?" I hadn't given it a second thought until that moment and in the heat of the moment (with customers standing in line behind me) I blurted out "BethelAbba". No forethought.... just straightforward "Yup, this is going to be me for the rest of my existence". It really was a life defining moment.
The name has stuck with me everywhere I've gone and is present as a footprint of mine all over the internet. At one point I was the highest seller of Christian Music on Ebay (for 8 straight years) under that monikor, raking in $4,000-$6,000 a month. (while working for Best Buy full time) Thousands of folk around the world know me as either "JulieMillerFan" (which was another joke that came to life) or "BethelAbba".
In short Bethel is Hebrew meaning "Beth" House of "El" God and Abba is Aramaic and is a term of sincere and deep affection, meaning "beloved Father"
House of God, My beloved Father.
Avatar? Haven't made it that far yet, even though I have been here nearly 3 years now. I am quite a bit slow at things it would seem.
- Voom
- Posts: 617
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- Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Re: Names and Avatars.
I love this thread and really thought it was interesting how some of you used word combinations from different languages.
My real name is Hristo passed down from my father which is Greek for 'Christ' which means 'the anointed one'. However, my mom never liked how it looked and sounded and always wanted to name me as Viktor which i thought was awesome, both in meaning and in looks. Then i watched V for Vendetta and read the infamous V poem. I became fascinated with the letter V; even vowed to name my future son Viktor. And perhaps my future daughter Valeria. Im weird, i know, but im serious about it.
So thats where i got the V for Voom.
Now for the first O.......
Lol, jk. Voom is the combination of the letter V and the word Zoom. Zoom comes from my subconcious insecurity that i am slow. I hated when my family would call me slow, because i felt so much faster mentally than anyone i knew. But i always did things with perfection b/c of my ocd, so most effortful things in my life inevitably took me time to do and i would memorize every step, but i never did anything twice.
Voom, that's my name.
My avatar is the silhouette of a torch, which reperesent how i feel like almost all the time: an enigma. To share how i feel about something usually takes a lot of effort on my part. For that reason, people, including my family, have always underestimated me in a lot of ways and continue to do so. Ultimately, im content b/c i feel like i have that upperhand by knowing what i dont allow others to know. And what dont i let others readily know? Well, a torch shines bright my friends.
My real name is Hristo passed down from my father which is Greek for 'Christ' which means 'the anointed one'. However, my mom never liked how it looked and sounded and always wanted to name me as Viktor which i thought was awesome, both in meaning and in looks. Then i watched V for Vendetta and read the infamous V poem. I became fascinated with the letter V; even vowed to name my future son Viktor. And perhaps my future daughter Valeria. Im weird, i know, but im serious about it.
So thats where i got the V for Voom.
Now for the first O.......
Lol, jk. Voom is the combination of the letter V and the word Zoom. Zoom comes from my subconcious insecurity that i am slow. I hated when my family would call me slow, because i felt so much faster mentally than anyone i knew. But i always did things with perfection b/c of my ocd, so most effortful things in my life inevitably took me time to do and i would memorize every step, but i never did anything twice.
Voom, that's my name.
My avatar is the silhouette of a torch, which reperesent how i feel like almost all the time: an enigma. To share how i feel about something usually takes a lot of effort on my part. For that reason, people, including my family, have always underestimated me in a lot of ways and continue to do so. Ultimately, im content b/c i feel like i have that upperhand by knowing what i dont allow others to know. And what dont i let others readily know? Well, a torch shines bright my friends.
- Urbain
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- Voom
- Posts: 617
- Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:24 pm
- android_version: 7.0
- Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL
- Urbain
- Posts: 215
- Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:46 am
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