Common Acronyms and Abbreviations

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Common Acronyms and Abbreviations

Post by Antison »

Balanced Steel Sword = BSS
Black Defender = BD
Blackwater (equip) = BW
Blade of the defiler = Bdf
Chaosreaper = ChaR
Dagger of the shadow Prist = DoSP
Elytharan redeemer = ElyR
Flagstone's pride = FP
Gem of warmth = GoW
Gleaming claymore of ruin = GCoR
Boots of the Globetrotter = BotGT
Gloves of life force = GoLF
Greataxe of shattered hope = GoSH
Jewel of Fallhaven = JoF
Helm of Foreseeing = HoF
Hunter's Sword = HS
Marrowtaint = MT
Necklace of the Undead = NotU
Ortholion's talisman = OrT
Polished ring of backstabbing = PRoB
Polished ring of the protector = PRoP
Quickstrike Dagger = QsD
Ring of far lesser Shadow = RofLS
Ring of lesser Shadow = RoLS
Rapier of lifesteal = RoL
Ring of the protector = RoP
Serpent's hauberk = SpH
Shadowfang = ShaF
Silk robe of Valugha = SRoV
Valugha's shimmering hat = VSH
Villain's ring = VR
Whip of Binding = WoB
Yczorah nucleus = YN
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Re: Common Acronyms and Abbreviations

Post by rijackson741 »

Good post. This was needed.
Level:71, XP:6493739, PV:608, FQ:84
HP:210, AC:212, AD:58-77, AP:4, ECC:16%, CM:1.5, BC:188, DR:3
Gold: 237559 | RoLS:1, RoL:1, GoW:1, VSH:1, RoFLS:1, WoB:1
HH:1, WA:1, CS:2, Cl:1, IF:4, Ev:3, Re:2, WP:DA:1, WP:1S:1, WP:B:1, AP:L:1, FS:DW:2, S:DW:1