In it, it claims the following 3 things.
2-Do not use wording of “god”, as in “oh my god”. There are no gods in the world of Andor’s Trail. See section on “The Shadow” below.
3-The Shadow is not a god or a being, but rather more of a concept such as actual shadows cast by light. Some people in the world of Andor’s Trail view the Shadow as their saviour from bad things that happen.
It should be left unclear whether there actually is any divine presence that helps people that believe in the Shadow, or whether their luck comes from their own choices.
I am having trouble understanding these and reconciling these three things together. For claim 1, by "there are no gods," does that mean gods do not exist? Or does that mean that gods do not interfere in the world? If gods do not exist, then how were Kazaul and Elythara deities? Or did both of them not exist?Kazaul and Elythara were deities that people used to believe in before. Nowadays, the people put their trust in the rulers of Feygard or in the Shadow. The concept of the Shadow was based on the former worshippers of Kazaul, but the people that follow the Shadow do not approve of Kazaul.
Some people still worship the old gods, and their altars can be found throughout the land. There has been rumors of cults following the old gods.
If Kazaul does not and never existed, why do the spawn of Kazaul apparently exist? Is it a misnomer?
If the Shadow is not a god or not perceived to be a god, then why do people pray to the Shadow? It would be akin to praying to the force of gravity, right? And how exactly is the concept of the Shadow formally defined? People seem to behave as though the Shadow is a god, but that seems to contradict claims 1 and 2. And how do the priests of the Shadow get the power to confer blessings from a mere concept, rather than a god or divine power?
Thank you for your help in clarifying these things.