- A bug, in which case I'd want to avoid it becoming well known and getting abused* before the devs can fix it
- A known "secret" that's meant to be left for others to find for themselves
I suspect what I've found is a bug purely because it doesn't seem realistic that the relatively low level monsters involved would be intended to be farmed for such fast xp
I've found a particular group of monsters that will repeatedly insta respawn if my character enters and then leaves certain locations on the map, by locations I mean certain map squares on the same map\screen, not leaving the map and returning or entering\exiting a building\cave\dungeon etc
A 10 minute test shows me that I'd be able to make ~350k XP per hour* from them which seems really high seeing as other posts I've seen are talking about 200k or so xp per hour from higher level monsters
*That's with 2 skill points assigned to the Quick Learner skill
I've tried closing the game and re-loading it, saving\re-loading the save file and the re-spawn still happens so it doesn't appear to be a one off quirk that stops after the game has been reset
If the devs want more info let me know