Bug during Fungi Panic
Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 12:12 pm
OK so I was reading a quest log on the forum for the fungi quest. It said that at the end of the quest if you bring the mushrooms the old man gives you to the potion shop in fall haven (the guy that brews the antidotes during the quest) that he's supposed to start making you a special potion. However when I did this he just took it and told me to **** off pretty much. I sided with the old man, I killed the weird fungus priest (for good finally) so what did I do wrong? Is this a bug? I also read about a staff the boss was supposed to drop although I couldn't tell in the post if it was just a suggestion to add to the quest later on or if it was already in the game, the stats and name of the staff was listed and everything.(no I'm not talking about the staff dropped by old man bogsten if you go the evil route) am I losing it here or what?