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Banking my upgrades

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:21 am
by randy
I had an idea. I'm curious what you think.

I'm grinding for levels and a RoLS while waiting for 0.6.10. I'm gaining more minor healing potions than I am using, so I don't need to upgrade my stats in order to do what I'm doing. So I think I'm going to just not level up until 0.6.10 arrives. Then, if there was some rebalancing done, I can decide which stats I need to boost.

I did a quick test on a new game, and didn't level up to 2 until I had 450 experience points. The game let me level up to 2 and then immediately to 3. So I'm not worried about not getting my upgrades when the time comes.

Can you tell me why this isn't a good idea?

2026 small rocks, and counting....

Re: Banking my upgrades

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:19 am
by Samuel
Its a good idea.
Make sure u do not get killed. Otherwise you may loose several levels of xp.

Re: Banking my upgrades

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:36 am
by Mino
Just make sure to save frequently, and at least after every level up you receive (even if you don't use it).

I guess the only con I can see is that you're missing out on increasing your AC or AD which would help you kill whatever you're fighting faster. But maybe you're more patient than me :D

Re: Banking my upgrades

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:49 am
by kemos
I've been playing a little while now. Had 2 games going. A level 29 and level 1. I was gaining experience on my 1 to use for next update and saved over my 29. Oops. It's ok though, I now have over 160,000 experience points to use on my level 1 character when update comes out. I have enough to get to level 20 as of now.

Re: Banking my upgrades

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:07 pm
by issac888
guys can i know more about the upgrades, i am confuse with the skill system, it is a bonus system or a completely new system

am a bit confuse, with new weapons, new cost, new skill

Re: Banking my upgrades

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:15 pm
by Mino
The Skill Point system is something Oskar wrote about in the Developers section (I'm not a developer myself, I just like to check it out to see what's coming up in new releases).

Its an added bonus to give us boosts after a certain number of level ups and should make the game more fun. Especially the increase drop% one.

Re: Banking my upgrades

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:19 pm
by issac888
mino, so our levels will not change, just a bonus, is it there talk that weapons be renewed with lower strenght, thing gets more expensive, but the infamous difficult items to get, will become easy to get

Re: Banking my upgrades

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:35 pm
by Mino
Levels still change as they normally would, when you get enough XP. The skill points are just in addition to that, every 4th level up (or whatever number Oskar decides to go with).

The re-pricing topic is here: