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Idea for a creature ability

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:44 pm
by Pyrizzle
Pack bonus: give a type of creature a bonus if you engage more than one of them in a battle at once, & give them the first strike in combat.

Could also be an effect given if the creature has another creature in an ajasent space next to it &/or you.

Just an idea.

Re: Idea for a creature ability

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:03 am
by nyktos
sounds scary (not always a bad thing) :D
talk about getting popped if you're not paying attention! :lol:

Re: Idea for a creature ability

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:58 pm
by sdevaney
Someone (sorry don't remember who) also suggested a small XP bonus when fighting more than one mob at a time so maybe the added dangers of this idea can balance out the extra XP.

Re: Idea for a creature ability

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:30 pm
by Sarumar
How about some more condition attack witch monster can cause:
- slow, raises the monsters chance of first attack 5-85%
- freece, you cannot done anything for 1 combat round (lose 10-12AP)
- itching, forses you to uneguip all armours
- blind, makes the screen back
- clumsy, cannot use healing items or potion and -AC -BC -CC
- and some nasty diseases as well - cannot remove only heal cauces randomly some symptons
- and curces, only priest can heal (cost 100g * lvl) causes every another nastything, cannot talk anyone, gain less exp, gold, drop item, increases chances to get another condition, etc

and all current conditions optionally permanent - until rested or healed with spesific herb, potion, etc

Re: Idea for a creature ability

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 10:20 pm
by qasur
I love the idea of added XP for sure when combating multiple creatures at once. I think it plus the +1 HP/kill and Cleave skills could show people creating different and unique builds of characters that are not purefly AC/AD/CC/CM builds.

Re: Idea for a creature ability

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:43 am
by Pyrizzle
Sarumar wrote:How about some more condition attack witch monster can cause:
- slow, raises the monsters chance of first attack 5-85%
- freece, you cannot done anything for 1 combat round (lose 10-12AP)
- itching, forses you to uneguip all armours
- blind, makes the screen back
- clumsy, cannot use healing items or potion and -AC -BC -CC
- and some nasty diseases as well - cannot remove only heal cauces randomly some symptons
- and curces, only priest can heal (cost 100g * lvl) causes every another nastything, cannot talk anyone, gain less exp, gold, drop item, increases chances to get another condition, etc

and all current conditions optionally permanent - until rested or healed with spesific herb, potion, etc
Great ideas Sarumar!

Re: Idea for a creature ability

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:29 am
by openthegait
Ability: Scent
Description: 3x more likely to attack when player's hp is at 20% or less.
Only wild animals would have this ability to smell blood/fear

Hidden/invisible enemies? (Visible once they attack you)
Something could be camoflauged to look like nearby rocks or grass, but would move every once in a while.

Enemies should be able to sense an ongoing battle from one more square away and be able to join in. this could be a special ability that only certain enemies have. i.e. gornauds, skeletal warriors, wasps :) creatures that would be smart enough to see that their help is needed and be willing to help out their own kind.
Along with this, any on-screen creatures should come toward the battle whenever you attack a Boss. they would move one square per turn.
...not that I view gornauds as either intelligent or heroic...

Re: Idea for a creature ability

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:34 am
by nyktos
pack-mentality / hive-mind? :mrgreen:

hell yeah! :twisted:

Re: Idea for a creature ability

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:32 am
by Pyrizzle
openthegait wrote:...not that I view gornauds as either intelligent or heroic...
:lol: +1

Re: Idea for a creature ability

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:04 am
by Black Wind
If XP gain increases on winning multiple monster battles, shouldn't more XP be lost if losing a battle with multiple monsters? Actually it probably should either way since such a battle would mean more monster arms than hero eyes, hence more unexpected (so likely harder) hits.