Andor's Trail v0.7.3 released to Google Play!

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Andor's Trail v0.7.3 released to Google Play!

Post by Zukero »

Wow, two releases in a week! You sure didn't expect that, did you?
We didn't either.

The previous release was fatally flawed for people who didn't already had a version of Andor's Trail on their device.
Admittedly, this should be a very small number of people, because almost everyone has Andor's Trail on their phone.

So yeah, we just released v0.7.3 on Google Play, and it should be available for you very soon.

Anyway, this version will ask you to agree for us to use your user storage to store saves and worldmaps, and if you deny Andor's Trail this permission, it will simply close, showing a little "toast" (small bubble with text at the bottom of the screen) indicating why this permission is essential to AT.

Depending on your feedback, I may invest more time in the future to make it a little prettier, clearer, and better integrated, but it looked like a sufficient fix for such a fatal flaw.
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Re: Andor's Trail v0.7.3 released to Google Play!

Post by Yeerk »

Awesome can't wait to to play it.
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Re: Andor's Trail v0.7.3 released to Google Play!

Post by Antison »

All kidding aside, is Waterfall process retired? Agile releases please.
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Re: Andor's Trail v0.7.3 released to Google Play!

Post by rijackson741 »

I think what we had is the Glacial process, which is similar to Waterfall, but much slower :lol: . We hope to go to the Rapid Limp process, because Agile might be too ambitious :lol:
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Re: Andor's Trail v0.7.3 released to Google Play!

Post by lady black »

Great! Now, is there any way to gain access to my game from back when AT went inactive? I was at, as far as I can remember, level 120 or so, and I had four complete sets of all the extraordinary items, and a whole lot of money, and lots of skills... I have lost access to my saved games every time I have gotten a new phone, so I have kind of lost interest in playing, but if I will now be able to change phones and transfer my saved game(s) that will be great! I do not have any "devices" besides my phone--one phone at a time--no desktop computer, no laptop computer, no tablet, ONE PHONE!!!! PERIOD!!!!! WAAAY back, Oskar was able to transfer my game(s?) from my saved game/s to my new phone. Can this be done now, somehow by someone still involved from those early days, who knows where to find old saved games? With every new phone since that transfer by Oskar, I have had to start over from level one , so I have rather lost interest with killing snakes over and over and over on each phone, trying to build experience and buy weapons to get somewhere, while knowing that I will again have to start over when I get a new phone.
Please, can someone give me access to my level 120ish game????
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Re: Andor's Trail v0.7.3 released to Google Play!

Post by rijackson741 »

There is no cloud connection or storage for AT, so unless the game was backed up somewhere to some other device, it's gone.

Do you still have any of those old phones around? As long as the phone starts and can connect to WiFi we could recover your savegames from it. Oskar has dropped out of the project, but maybe he still has copies somewhere (if he's a packrat like me, he certainly does :D )
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Re: Andor's Trail v0.7.3 released to Google Play!

Post by lady black »

Thank you for giving me hope! At this point, I am not sure which phone those old games were on, but I will look for all my old phones and see whether I can find the right one, and whether it will still take a charge. The game was "moved to SD card" because there was so little memory that every time ANY app need to be updated, I had to uninstall one or two other apps to make room for the update. The Verizon store blithely suggested moving the ones I most wanted to keep to the SD card, without mentioning that once on there there was no way to bring them back--or so I have been told since. Also, those phones are no longer connected to/by Verizon, so I do not know whether they will still take a charge, whether they will connect to wi-fi, and whether being on the SD card is fatal to trying to get the games back. I do not know anything about the inner workings of computers or phones, just how to use them. It may not be until after Christmas that I get a chance to find my old phones and see if I can tell which one has the old games on it, if they are still there at all. Thank you for being willing to try to help. I really do not want to start over at level 1!
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Re: Andor's Trail v0.7.3 released to Google Play!

Post by lady black »

I am not sure which phone has those old games, but I will try to hunt them all out. They are no longer in operation (not connected to/by Verizon, so I don't know whether they can connect to wi-fi or not, and the game was "moved to the SD card" because every time I needed to update ANY apps, I had to uninstall one or two other apps to make room. The verizon store blithely said I should move the ones I wanted to keep to the SD card, without telling me I could never recover them from there, or so I have been told since. I am hoping it is still possible, with people like you who know what they are doing! I will hunt for the phone I think they are on and see whether I can charge it up again. I'll get back to you in a few days, or when/if I find the phone. As December is passing, it might not be until after Christmas. I really hope you can help--I do not want to start over!
I thought I was posting this, then it disappeared completely, so I posted a near-duplicate higher up the forum form, now here this is again! So I am going to try again to post it, just to see whether it works this time. You can ignore one or the other, or both, though I hope it will not be both.
LVL 108; XP 23,138,749; Gold 1,827,209; 4/23/12
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Re: Andor's Trail v0.7.3 released to Google Play!

Post by rijackson741 »

If you can find a phone with the savegames on it, we can get them to the new phone. If you don't have internet access at home that will require a number of steps, including a trip to a coffee shop with internet access, but we can get there :D
Level:71, XP:6493739, PV:608, FQ:84
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Re: Andor's Trail v0.7.3 released to Google Play!

Post by WildWolf98 »

What what WHAAAAAT!!!!!

I've only been gone less than a week, come back to find that not only has version 7.0.2 been released, but FRIGGIN FRAGGEN 7.0.3!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOU HAVE NO FRIGGIN IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM!!!!!!!!! IVE BEEN WAITING YEARS FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Well, more like 1.5, but who's counting?) AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH SOOOOOOOOOO HAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!
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