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Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:35 pm
by Wyrmspawn
Pyrizzle wrote:
Wyrmspawn wrote:Devastation:

Altered stats:
AP cost: 10
Attack damage: ?
Attack chance: -80
Block chance: -50
On hit: One-hit KO
On miss: -6 hp
On swing: -1 hp
hahaha that is a crazy weapon!!! I think it's AD should be 0 :lol:

that -80AC and -50BC would be hard to overcome, and would get even tougher when infected by the spiders. 0.o
Well, you only need to land one hit... It's still a good trade off.

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:46 pm
by Andrewme
Xero wrote:Weapon: soul stealer
Conditions: black water misery
Damage: 0-1

-20 ad
-30 ac
-30 bc

Vampirism: converts damage to experience. Can not exceed maximum life total of monster.
Im up with this soul stealer idea, kinda sounds cool...
+Vampirism status of it,

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:43 am
by Sarumar
Andrewme wrote:
Xero wrote:Weapon: soul stealer
Conditions: black water misery
Damage: 0-1

-20 ad
-30 ac
-30 bc

Vampirism: converts damage to experience. Can not exceed maximum life total of monster.
Im up with this soul stealer idea, kinda sounds cool...
+Vampirism status of it,
Welcon to the forums my undead friend... have you already picked some levels in corpse eater ? ... i love the taste of fresh meat.. :twisted:

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:34 pm
by Fire7051
How about a Weapon that adds to the MF skill? Especially for long grinding sessions.

Sword of the Lost
AP Cost: 10
AD: 10
AC: -30
BC: -40
On hit add +1 MF
On Miss -5 HP
(Atk Damage at 10 so that the hits don't add MF x300 or anything)

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:44 pm
by Mino
That would work better if it just works like this:
On kill, increases chance of rare items to drop by 2-5x (there would be a dice roll to determine the multiplier and it would stack on top of any magic finder skill).

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:03 am
by Antison
Fire7051 wrote:How about a Weapon that adds to the MF skill? Especially for long grinding sessions.

Sword of the Lost
AP Cost: 10
AD: 10
AC: -30
BC: -40
On hit add +1 MF
On Miss -5 HP
(Atk Damage at 10 so that the hits don't add MF x300 or anything)
I'm not sure I get why this would make any sense. What weapon in the game would/can/should lend itself to being one that can help/enable it's user to better pickpocket or loot his attacker?
This seems best left to skills such as Magic Finder and Treasure Hunter as this accurately reflects the humanoid ability to steal.

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:44 am
by Pyrizzle
tek wrote:I'm not sure I get why this would make any sense. What weapon in the game would/can/should leaned itself to being one that can help/enable it's user to better pickpocket or loot his attacker?
You know one could ask the very same question about a certain ring and its's magical ability to heal the wounded.

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:18 pm
by Wyrmspawn
I've found an idea for a quest. Funny how I keep having these ideas for a few days, then end up with no ideas for months.

You meet a strange storyteller who tells you the following tale for ten blackwater brews, or ten meads.

"Long ago, there was a great hero, whose name has been forgotten over the centuries. But what matters most to this is his title. He was known as the Undefeated One. He roamed the lands, seeking worthy opponents, and worthy weapons. When he was a child, he had a sword that now resides in Flagstone Prison, which could cut its way through thick stone with ease. Later on, he found a better, heavier weapon, as long as a man is tall, and as wide as my forearm and gave it the name of Deathseeker. With it, he carved his way through five miles of hard rock, creating the path to Blackwater and Prim. And all the other heroes feared and revered him as the greatest of all.

For a time, he was happy with this. Then he grew restless, as heroes would. With Deathseeker, he was invincible, and none could stand against him. Not even fighting his way north to create the great city Remgard could satisfy his thirst for true battles instead of slaughters.

So, he abandoned the Deathseeker, snapping the great weapon apart with his bare hands. But he had grown too skilled, and even unarmed, all of the heroes combined could not stand against him. He manacled himself and fettered his feet, but still he was the Undefeated One. Despairing of finding a worthy opponent ever again, he smashed a way through the trees south, and was never seen again.

But he left behind a legacy of war. The rest of the heroes, envious of his immense power, fought amongst themselves for the remnants of the Deathseeker, forging the pieces into weapons anew. From Deathseeker sprung three weapons: Devastation, Earthshaker, and Windcutter.

Devastation is the heaviest part of the legendary Deathseeker; With its might, none may take a blow from it and live. Few, however, even amongst the warring heroes, were able to lift it, much less swing it.

The Earthshaker never misses; its wielders used it to smash into the earth, creating a shockwave capable of stunning and even killing enemies with repeated blows. Again, however, none amongst the heroes could use it to the effect that the Undefeated One did.

The Windcutter was forged with little of the original Deathseeker. It was combined with another weapon, whose name has never made itself known to this world; The darkest of the remnants, the Windcutter is lighter than the wind, and yet is sharp enough to slash right through armour, and whatever is behind it. With the Windcutter, one may slash twice where others hit once. This was the most sought-after of the remnants, but be warned: The weapon combined with it should never have been made. The wielder of this unholy weapon will be cursed with the worst of deaths, and there are... whispers, of yet worse effects.

I have told you the story of the Undefeated One. May you use this knowledge wisely."

You find the corpses of three heroes later on, having killed each other in their last struggles. They are standing on a rock, supporting each other by their weapons that impaled each other, the rock balanced dangerously on the edge of a cliff. Should you move their bones or their weapons, the entire rock might fall and the weapons lost forever. Which weapon do you choose?


AP cost: 10
AC: -80
AD: 0
BC: -50
On hit, kills enemy.

AP cost: 10
AC: infinity, always hits.
AD: -25 (you're not hitting the enemy, you're hitting the earth)
BC: -50
Hits all enemies around you.
On hit, 1% chance to cause condition stunned.

AP cost: 4
AC: 50%
AD: 7-10
CHS: 100
CM: 3
BC: 30
On hit, -1 hp on self
On hit, 1% chance to take 10 hp from self
On death, xp turns to 0, no matter how much you had.
So... what do you guys think? Other than I'm too long winded, of course... :lol:

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:42 pm
by Mino
I love it, especially the back story! And there's a possibility of one day running into this legendary warrior and being the one to finally challenge him.

I also like the fact that you have to choose only one of the 3 weapons. The only thing I would change is that the Earthshaker rarely misses and make its AC 200%.

The trade off for the windcutter should be enough to make up for its high CHS.

But they all sound great and I'd have a very hard time deciding. Good thing there's unlimited save slots :D

Really great ideas, I hope they make it into the game.

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:30 pm
by Wyrmspawn
Just a question. When I have all of the dialogue for the above quest ready, what do I do? I'm not sure how you write a quest into code.