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Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:19 pm
by sdevaney
Wyrmspawn wrote:Just a question. When I have all of the dialogue for the above quest ready, what do I do? I'm not sure how you write a quest into code.
We can take care of the formatting part. Just submit your dialogue and anything else on the issue tracker or via email.

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:25 am
by Pyrizzle
Wyrmspawn wrote:Just a question. When I have all of the dialogue for the above quest ready, what do I do? I'm not sure how you write a quest into code.
I am excited to see what you have Wyrmspawn! :mrgreen:

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:24 am
by Wyrmspawn
Quest log:
1: You meet a strange man on the road to Feygard. He is dressed in the colourful garb of a storyteller. He claims to have a valuable story to tell.
2: He is willing to part with the story for a thousand gold, ten blackwater brews, and one cooked meat and one bread. Better hop to it, then.
3: The storyteller tells you a story about the undefeated one. He was the greatest hero of all, and when his weapon was broken, the rest of the heroes fought over the remaining fragments. Three weapons remain: Devastation the strong, Earthshaker the mighty, and Windcutter the cursed. The storyteller speculates that these three weapons could be with the last three heroes. But they all disappeared a long time ago, even if on the very same road the storyteller’s on.
4: You find the three heroes in an underground crypt right beneath the storyteller’s place. Here you find three weapons, but as the three skeletons holding them are balanced precariously over the edge of a steep cliff, you can only take one of the weapons before the heroes and the weapons fall down.
5: You chose the (weapon name). If only you could have had all three to remake the original Deathseeker… But perhaps that is a quest for another time.

Storyteller: Hello there! Who do I have the pleasure of addressing?

You: (choice)
1: Greetings. I am known as $<name>
2: My name’s $<name>
3: What’s it to you?

Storyteller(1): Ahh. It is a fine name indeed.(goto storyteller second speech)
Storyteller(2): A good name.(goto storyteller second speech)
Storyteller(3): Fine, keep your secrets and I’ll keep mine.
(you)(only for option 3)1: Secrets? What secrets?(goto storyteller second speech)
(you)(only for option 3)2: Secrets? Well then, you’d better tell me what you know.(goto storyteller second speech.)

Storyteller(speech): I’m a storyteller, who tells tales to travellers who pass by. And I have here a story worth a kingdom, a parched throat, and dwindling supplies of gold and food. So, I have here a proposal. Get me some supplies, let’s say a thousand gold, a piece of cooked meat, a loaf of bread, and some of those most delightful spirits from blackwater? Then I shall tell you the true tale of the Undefeated One.

1: Certainly, I love tales of the old heroes.
2: Who is this undefeated one?
Storyteller: He is a great hero who roamed the lands in search of opponents, long ago.
2: Well, I do love a tale of the old heroes.
3: Begone, you scum! I have no time for old wive’s tales.
Storyteller: Of course, I also have the location to the great hero’s legendary weapon…
3: Weapons you say? Why didn’t you say so in the first place, then?

<You come back with the supplies for the storyteller. Wolfing down the bread and the meat in one gulp and draining all of the blackwater brews at once, he finally stops his gluttony to speak to you.>
Storyteller(storyt): Long ago, there was a great hero, whose name has been forgotten over the centuries. But what matters most to this is his title. He was known as the Undefeated One. He roamed the lands, seeking worthy opponents, and worthy weapons. When he was a child, he had a sword that now resides in Flagstone Prison, which could cut its way through any other weapon with ease.Later on, he found a better, heavier weapon, as long as a man is tall, and as wide as my forearm and gave it the name of Deathseeker. With it, he carved his way through five miles of hard rock, creating the path to Blackwater and Prim. And all the other heroes feared and revered him as the greatest of all.

For a time, he was happy with this. Then he grew restless, as heroes would. With Deathseeker, he was invincible, and none could stand against him. Not even fighting his way north to create the great city Remgard could satisfy his thirst for true battles instead of slaughters.

So, he abandoned the Deathseeker, snapping the great weapon apart with his bare hands. But he had grown too skilled, and even unarmed, all of the heroes combined could not stand against him. He manacled himself and fettered his feet, but still he was the Undefeated One. Despairing of finding a worthy opponent ever again, he smashed a way through the trees south, and was never seen again.

But he left behind a legacy of war. The rest of the heroes, envious of his immense power, fought amongst themselves for the remnants of the Deathseeker, forging the pieces into weapons anew. From Deathseeker sprung three weapons: Devastation, Earthshaker, and Windcutter.

Devastation is the heaviest part of the legendary Deathseeker; With its might, none may take a blow from it and live. Few, however, even amongst the warring heroes, were able to lift it, much less swing it.

The Earthshaker never misses; its wielders used it to smash into the earth, creating a shockwave capable of stunning and even killing enemies with repeated blows. Again, however, none amongst the heroes could use it to the effect that the Undefeated One did.

The Windcutter was forged with little of the original Deathseeker. It was combined with another weapon, whose name has never made itself known to this world; The darkest of the remnants, the Windcutter is lighter than the wind, and yet is sharp enough to slash right through armour, and whatever is behind it. With the Windcutter, one may slash twice where others hit once. This was the most sought-after of the remnants, but be warned: The weapon combined with it should never have been made. The wielder of this unholy weapon will be cursed with the worst of deaths, and there are... whispers, of yet worse effects.

I have told you the story of the Undefeated One. May you use this knowledge wisely.

Player1: Thank you for your story. I enjoyed it.
Storyteller: Well, no problem at all. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Player1: Can you tell me where the weapons are?
Storyteller: I’d love to, but I truly have no idea. Perhaps they would still be with the warring heroes who fought for the three fragments of the Deathseeker. The three heroes left from the battle of heroes all had a fragment of the original Deathseeker, but they all disappeared a long time ago on this very road.

Player2: But where is this hero now, and where are the three weapons?
Storyteller: Well, that’s the golden question, isn’t it? Those three weapons have been lost for a long time already. I’d wish you luck on finding them, then.
Player2: Really? Come on, I did give you a lot of supplies and gold, and you give me a story?
Storyteller: Very well, I’ll tell you what I think, then. Perhaps the three weapons would still be with the warring heroes who fought for the three fragments of the Deathseeker. The three heroes left from the battle of heroes all had a fragment of the original Deathseeker, but they all disappeared a long time ago on this very road.

Player3: That’s it? I thought you said something about weapons?
Storyteller: But I did tell you the story about the weapons.
Player3: Yes, nice story and all, but where are the weapons?
Storyteller: I don’t know. Like I said, that was long ago. Perhaps they would be with the warring heroes who searched and fought for the three fragments of the Deathseeker. The three heroes left from the battle of heroes all had a fragment of the original Deathseeker, but they all disappeared a long time ago on this very road.

Later on, you find a crypt right below the road you’re walking on. The crypt is empty, but you feel something strange as you go in…

(A pop-up message conveys the following message) As you step into the empty room, you feel a chill creep up your spine. The room is empty, but this seems easy… far too easy. And you feel something staring at you from behind. Just the darkness and closeness of the crypt?

(A pop-up message also delivers this one) Three skeletons dressed in ancient, wondrous armor are locked forever in combat at the edge of a deep fissure, at the edge of which a giant hammer is embedded in. The hammer must be the Earthshaker. The Skeleton holding the hammer is supported by a sword that impaled it where its heart was. That sword must be the Windcutter. The skeleton holding the Windcutter dangles precariously over the edge, held in place only by an impossibly large club. That must be the Devastation. The skeleton holding the club has dangled out over the edge, supporting his foot on the Earthshaker, half-embedded into the rock at the edge of the fissure. A crushed lower rib explains that he was stabbed through the gut. You might be able to take one weapon, but doing so would make the precariously balanced trio fall into the fissure. Which do you choose?

Option 1: Devastation
Option 2: Earthshaker
Option 3: Windcutter

If you talk to the storyteller again, you get these options for him, depending on which choices you made most. If you chose to act like player1, you get the options for storyteller(1). If you were mostly like player2, you get the option for storyteller(2). And if you acted like player3, you get the option for storyteller(3).

Storyteller(1): Ah, I see that you have come again. Welcome, friend. What can I do for you?
Player: I’d like to listen to the story of the Undefeated One again.
Storyteller(1): Certainly, I’d be happy to tell it again. (goto storyteller story)
Player: Thank you for the story. Do you have any more?
Storyteller(1): Hmm… No, none for now. Maybe in a month or two.
Player: Thank you for the story. Goodbye. <ends conversation>

Storyteller(2): Oh, it’s you again. May I help you?
Player: I’d like to hear that story about the Undefeated One.
Storyteller: Oh, very well. (goto storyteller story)
Player: Do you have any more stories?
Storyteller: No, none for now. Wait a month or two and we will see.
Player: Thank you.

Storyteller(3): Ah, welcome, friend… Wait, what are you doing here? Leave me alone!
Player: Tell me that story of the Undefeated One. Now!
Storyteller(3): Alright, just stop choking me. I can’t tell you the story if you’re choking me. (goto storyteller story)
Player: Nice story. Got any more?
Storyteller(3): No, none for now. Aren’t you leaving now?
Player: I’ll be back.

Hopefully this should be easy to read. I can write, and I can type, but I'm just clueless with coding. :? Sorry if I made your job harder.

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:40 am
by Pyrizzle

I love this storyline idea! Great quest, reward and adventure! Good Show!


Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:12 am
by Mino
I really like the look of this quest, and the resulting weapon, so I hope your writing out the dialogue will help speed up its inclusion in the game. You've also inspired me to do the same for some ideas I had suggested (Sack of Rocks, Condition Prevention Potion).

Its actually been pretty fun writing it out, even though I don't consider myself much of a creative type.

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 10:26 pm
by Xero
Chimera's claw

ad: 0
Ap: 4
Ac: -50
Bc: -30

75% chance on hit: randomly afflict the target with any negative actor condition of a random level up to 10.

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:52 am
by PK17
Xero, why does Chimera's Claw(s) sound familar to me. Hmmmm, I just can't put my tounge on it.

Nevermind buddy, I remembered what is was, but for anyone else wondering, here ya go.

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 5:31 pm
by Xero
Yes I chose chimera because it could mean any animal resulting from a combination of any others hence the any actor conditions.
Also you may be thinking of a griffin claw which, if I remember correctly, heals like a unicorns horn.

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 5:36 pm
by PK17
A custom game I play on Starcraft 2 8-) has a creature who is called chimera, and she/he/it drops some claws.

Anyway I was thinking of a weapon.

Rusty kitchen knife:
AC: -50%
BC: -25%
AD: -5
AP Cost: 2

On any succesful hit there is a 1% chance it breaks/disinegrates, and the guy who sells them will only let you have one at a time.

Re: New weapon idea

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:37 pm
by Pyrizzle
PK17 wrote:A custom game I play on Starcraft 2 8-) has a creature who is called chimera, and she/he/it drops some claws.

Anyway I was thinking of a weapon.

Rusty kitchen knife:
AC: -50%
BC: -25%
AD: -5
AP Cost: 2

On any succesful hit there is a 1% chance it breaks/disinegrates, and the guy who sells them will only let you have one at a time.
For low level players this piece of equipment is complete garbage, and for high level players it is waaaaaaaaay too over powered. With a Jewel of Fallhaven the Attack Cost (AP) would be one allowing players 10 swings in a turn (up to 12 with a Attack Cost lowering equipment on).