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Re: Map

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:25 pm
by Somerat
I just wanted to move the map off page 2 for people who haven't seen them. :D

Re: Map

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:09 pm
by Somerat
Moving this to the top again. Look back at the Gleep's maps! They are awesome.

Re: Map

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:14 am
by DarkSavant13
qTzal wrote:
phydeaux wrote:"why do you wanna cast magic missile? there's nothing for you to attack here."
Back on old text Rouge if you had a potion of blindness and drank it you went blind.

if you threw it at a monster and made a hit then the monster behaved as if it was blind.

The old Rouge's "Wand of Light" would light a room, fizzle on hallways but have no effect on monsters.
In reality you could achieve the the same lighting effect with a M583 White Star Parachute Cartridge often seen lighting movie combat scenes as it slowly drifts down.
Add the magical ability to have a flare hover without a chute and you have a basic "Wand of Light".
If you then shot it at some monster you would likely cause some damage and apply a stun or blindness combat penalty.

In this case I'm suggesting that an Andor's Trail wand of light could cause full visibility within say an 8 to 15 tile radius of the empty target square and maybe only last about 10 minutes.
If shot at a monster:
  • target rolls for damage vs BC (1d6 to 1d20)
  • "flash bulb" blindness for 5 rounds (-100% AC)
  • all immediately adjacent monsters and PC should roll vs BC for same preceding blindness.

Rouge's graphics were simple monochrome ASCII characters but if you played long enough you could find all sorts of unexpected game play hiding in the code.
Welcome to the forums! :D

Oskar has made it pretty clear that there won't be any missile weapons in the game but I like the idea. I've suggested some way, like torches, to light the way myself. ;)

Not trying to be rude, or mean, or anything like that, but there's a pet peeve of mine that drives me nuts. :P The word is spelled Rogue, not Rouge. A rogue is something like a thief. Rouge is something put on your cheeks to make them rosy. ;)

I've played a rogue most during my 30+ years of gaming and for some reason that particular misspelling drives me crazy. So, in the interest of saving my sanity, what little there is, I thought I'd let you know how it was correctly spelled. :D

@theGleep Awesome job on the maps! They're wonderful! Having a problem with the world map because of the size. Have you tried going into a graphics program and using a file size reduction tool? I love that the images are gifs, they work well on computer and Android. :D

Re: Map

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:10 pm
by Joker
Thegleep: your maps are awesome!
Are you working to the last new maps by any chance? I just started playing the new update and I am kind of getting lost in the new fields with lizards and on those wooden bridges on the lake, I could really use an updated World Map :lol:

Re: Map

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:26 pm
by theGleep
Joker wrote:Thegleep: your maps are awesome!
Are you working to the last new maps by any chance? I just started playing the new update and I am kind of getting lost in the new fields with lizards and on those wooden bridges on the lake, I could really use an updated World Map :lol:
Thanks for the compliments!

Yes, I *am* working on the new maps. In fact, I've decided to be more pro-active and start working on the maps during alpha stages - I hope to have my maps up-to-date, and updated on release date (if not before)

New world order - nxt prt of Map

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:04 am
by digital
I failed to find (here, on the forum) maps of the new parts of the world - 'far east' & beyond, heh...
I wondered if it's possible that no one submitted the yet?

In case there are none yet, I started to make mine - here is a tiny sample, the cave passage just before 'spderland'...
click image to get full resolution png file:
Second part isn't finished yet, but here it is (in parts, cause of image hosting limits):
In my next post (below) U can find newer version.

Maybe smbdy also started... If yes, pls let me know here, which parts have U started with.
- Feel free to copy/edit/modify as long as the authors of the game don't mind it...
- Of course, general discussion regarding above topic is IMHO pretty welcome...

Re: Map

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:18 am
by nyktos
warm welcome to the forum,
and love the avatar!


nice work here...
very inspiring!!!


Re: Map

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:25 am
by Pyrizzle
digital: Welcome! I look forword to seeing what you come up with! Great work so far

Re: Map

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:38 am
by DarkSavant13
Nice job, Digital. :)

Re: Map

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:24 am
by digital
OK, it's time for 2nd part of new maps...
It's about 2/3 of the whole new parts of the world, so U can imagine I spent a bit more than one evening on it...
Some of the maps below are clean from monsters, but some arn't, so if sbdy was having time, be my gest...
The maps are rather 'nicknamed', but I hope that doesn't offend the authors.
And yes, they r sliced, because of the hosting's image resolution limit.

east from Loneford
Image => Image
Image => Image => Image
East from Iqhan cave
Image => Image => Image => Image => Image
Underground passage
Image => Image => Image

Bye, AT-maniacs ;)