A fanmade quest for luthors cursed key

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A fanmade quest for luthors cursed key

Post by Aulrad »

So after the finishing playing the new uodate... i noticed something. The key and the door if luther and i also noticed that one witch looking char in crossroads guards hose jamed celdar is pretty useless so i made a fanmade quest to connect the 2

Umar will give mc another job (in which he will say that his informants told him that someone knew how to remove the curse of luthors key ) and it will led us to celdar (that witch looking character in the crossroads guardhouse)

At the start of conversation between celdar and mc but mc will need to gain celdar's task so he/she will give mc a difficult task....

The task is to gain some things from one person of each of the ff places

black water miuntains (i forgot the village name beside the bwm but its included too)

But to make it more difficult and have a longer gameplay, those people for every village said will give a side quest for mc...

After mc finished all those task and give the quest item thing to celdar... celdar will now teach us how to remove the curse of the key... but again he will send us to gain some needed ingridients.... and after mc got all of them.... celdar will remove the curse and will let mc open the gate....

Quest end
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Re: A fanmade quest for luthors cursed key

Post by Nut »

Nice idea to have an easy quest (at first view) which then spreads into several sub quests 8-)
I don't know if it is possible to do it with the cursed key though, because maybe Omicron already has other plans for it. But the idea could be transferred easily to another item.
Do you already have concrete ideas for the sub quests?
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Re: A fanmade quest for luthors cursed key

Post by rijackson741 »

Omicronrg9 has plans for follow up thieves quests, but he is the only one that knows what those plans are. So you should not spend too much time working on something that may conflict with that.
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Re: A fanmade quest for luthors cursed key

Post by Omicronrg9 »

I am sorry for being the one Richard mentioned, but don't let your ideas die. The concepts that underlie specific ideas are often applicable in other ways. Although I have never done it, my first intention was sharing what I planned for Luthor and more generally, the Thieves' Guild in relation with Luthor's dynasty and treasures. Honestly, I need to read again what I have written, because my plan was (and still is) to make up to 10 quests related with the Guild and It wouldn't be a nice work if it's not coherent between each phase. But honestly, I encourage you to search for more "holes" in the game to put your ideas in. That is exactly what I did over a year ago, and somehow it worked, lol.

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Re: A fanmade quest for luthors cursed key

Post by Aulrad »

Thanks for the motivation! I think i could create a quest for this guy (in link):
http://andorstrail.irkalla.cz/0.7.0/map ... l#entrance

Let me know if someone is already working with this npc
If not then ill start thr quest then.
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Re: A fanmade quest for luthors cursed key

Post by Omicronrg9 »

I am not totally sure so it's safer to wait for any member of the dev team. However I believe that if your content is creative enough and makes sense, It will be alive sooner of later assuming you finish it.
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Re: A fanmade quest for luthors cursed key

Post by Nut »

I don't know of any plans for this hut - and the end of the (yet known) world is a good point to start such a quest :mrgreen:
So go ahead
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Re: A fanmade quest for luthors cursed key

Post by Aulrad »

Well here it is (imcomplete)
Alynndir: (existing dialogue) hello there welcome to my cabin.

Chosen choice:(Existent too) what do you do around here

(Existing dial):mostly i trade with travelers on the main road on the way to the nor city...

(The next dialogue will be triggered after reaching level 30, a start of the quest)

Npc:(after the dialogue above) mixed happy and worried face* do you want something?(His looks got sadder after seeing you)

A. Im finding my brother andor he really look like me, have you seen him?
Npc answers: no i dont recall seeing with that deacription (convo end)

B. Nothing special, just show me what youve got ( start trading)

C.you look worried, whats bothering you?
(Quest start)
Npc ans: My son hasnt been back since i send to collect debt last week. He should be back after 1 or 2 days but he didnt. Now im worried about what happened to him..

After that npc will send MC to go to to some villages to go to people in debt of this man to ask for clues on what happened to his son

Soon he will find out that npc's son has been kidnapped by some gang ( wich is not connected to theives guild)
And ask a ransom for him.....


A. Leave it alone and dont get involve d in it again
(Quest end, small exp. Npc will never talk to you again)

B. Pay for the ransom
(Quest end, money decreased greatly,, high exp

C. Kill the gang (the enemeis difficulty must be "hard" for level 30's
(Will collect some identity items [as quest item])
(Balanced drop of gold an exp, and a special equipment from the leqder)
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Re: A fanmade quest for luthors cursed key

Post by rijackson741 »

I also know of no plans for this hut, or Alynndir. Do whatever you want with him.
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Re: A fanmade quest for luthors cursed key

Post by Nut »

Looks promising!
Now some hints how to get on:
At this stage you should start to define the quest steps: Create a list of all the quest steps (number e.g. 10, 20, 30, … so that you could insert some steps later). This helps you to have a correct structure of the story.
You shouldn't remove or renumber any step later if possible. It would be much nasty work.
When the quest steps are ready, it is much more easy to write the rest than without such a list.
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