Andor's Trail Wiki

Open-source roguelike RPG on Android

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The game should provide as much choice as possible to give every player and every game a unique experience. This includes ways to solve quests, character development and also character customizations.

The player’s actions will have consequences. It should not be possible to undo the choices made. This applies not only to quest choices but also to the player development of stats.

The player should not be able to do everything - the choice in a previous quest should affect the availability of later choices.


Quests should offer as much choice as possible to the player. Prefer quests that can be solved in more than one way.

Examples of solutions to quests:

  • The player gains gold at the expense of the well-being of NPCs.
  • The player gains stats, but some NPC dies.
  • The player helps a NPC by sacrificing a piece of equipment.
  • The player gains trust from some NPC, but has to travel to a lot of places and do a lot to gain trust.
  • The player chooses to side with the main monster boss, and gains equipment but also distrust from other NPCs.
  • The player chooses a conversation option stating that they have no intention of performing the quest.


Prefer to have many different dialogue options for the player to choose from, with different personalities of the player - even if some of the options lead to the same result. It gives the player a way of expressing their own personality more, and gives depth for the player.

andors_trail_wiki/developer_section/choices.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/19 02:37 (external edit)